Severna Park High School
Counseling Center

Scheduling is a very important piece of a student's education. The courses selected affect student's educational opportunities. Administration at Severna Park High School uses student course requests to determine the following each year:
staffing for each department.
how many sections of each class will be offered.
whether or not a course will be offered.
time of day of each course offering.
other scheduling considerations not listed above
With this information in mind, students and parents should take consideration to their options and select the most rigorous and appropriate array of courses to enhance a student's education. All course requests will be reviewed with each student and his or her School Counselor in a one-on-one meeting in the month of February to make any necessary adjustments. Beginning in March, the master schedule begins to be built and schedule request changes cannot be accommodated. Administration will make every effort to grant those choices in our master schedule.